FunTomP General Assembly • 09-10 NOV 2023 •

Get ready for an important event! FunTomP’s General Assembly is just around the corner. 

It will take place in València and is hosted by AIJU. The first day, on November 9th, will be all about discussions and collaboration. On the following day, November 10th, we’ll be visiting AIJU’s headquarters in Ibi. 

For more details about the program schedule, click the “More Info” button to access the online version. 

Join us for two days of learning, networking, and making great memories in València!

37th EFFoST International Conference • 06-08 NOV 2023 •

The 37th EFFoST International Conference is scheduled to take place from November 6th-8th, 2023, in Valencia, Spain. Participants will have the opportunity to exchange ideas, share knowledge, and network with professionals from academia, industry, and government organizations.

 EFFoST2023 will explore the theme ‘Sustainable Food and Industry 4.0: Towards the 2030 Agenda’. 

Abstract submissions are due by May 15th, 2023.

 Visit the EFFoST website for more information:


Global Tomato Congress explores the latest innovations in the tomato category, presenting a whole range of fresh ideas to inspire anyone working in this exciting part of the produce business. 

Expert speakers offer insight into all areas of the business, from new product development to marketing strategies, from production to post-harvest handling, from brand new technologies to emerging consumer trends.

WORKSHOP • 16 MAY 2023•

A Workshop on the Development of “Functionalised Tomato Products” was organized by our partner KFC Heinz for students at Uludag University, Türkiye .

21st World Congress of Food Science & Technology Future of Food: Innovation, Sustainability & Health • 31 OCT-3 NOV 2022 •

UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology

Poster titled “Sustainable ultrasound processing of tomatoes in development of functional products ” will be presented at 21st World Congress of Food Science & Technology Future of Food: Innovation, Sustainability & Health.

FunTomP Sustainable Food Production Training School - LOMARTOV


FunTomP🍅 hosted many researchers from different countries and fields with the Sustainable Food Production Training School organized by our partner LOMARTOV SL. We would like to thank LOMARTOV on behalf of all researchers for this training.

#Sustainability #PRIMA #MediterraneanDiet

10th International Congress of Food Technologists, Biotechnologists and Nutritionists • 30 NOV - 2 DEC 2022 •

UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology

Posters titled “Effect of ultrasound processing on microbiological safety of designed tomato-based products” and “Effect of ultrasound processing on physicochemical parameters of tomato-based products addition of RuBisCO and olive powder” will be presented at 10th International Congress of Food Technologists, Biotechnologists and Nutritionists Smart Food for a Healthy Planet and Human Prosperity.

Ensuring the Sustainability of the Protein Extracting Methods through Life Cycle Assessment • 13 SEPTEMBER 2022 •


The Mediterranean diet is considered to be a healthy and highly nutritional solution, that unfortunately has lost attractiveness for youngsters in competition with the fast, easy to get and already prepared food. In contrast, there is an increasing trend among millennials and young population, that favours foods that are healthy, ethically, naturally sourced and less processed…

Does Tomato Juice Help Prevent Blood Clots? • 13 SEPTEMBER 2022 •

Project: ProFlow

The 2021 research project aims to show that optimised, healthy blood flow can be achieved from regular consumption of everyday tomato products such as juice, paste, soup.

Maintaining healthy blood flow is of critical importance, mitigating health risks associated with cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and stroke such as atherosclerosis, thrombosis and hypertension, obesity, pre-diabetes…

Research: Tomato and Lycopene Anti-prostate Cancer Activity • 13 SEPTEMBER 2022 •

Tomatoes, Lycopene, and Prostate Cancer: What Have We Learned from Experimental Models?

Human epidemiology suggests a protective effect of tomatoes or tomato phytochemicals, such as lycopene, on prostate cancer risk. However, human epidemiology alone cannot reveal causal relations. Laboratory animal models of prostate cancer provide opportunities…

Article Alert • 6 SEPTEMBER 2022 •

One of the FunTomP Crotia partner from Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb, has published an open access article about the “Influence of High-Power Ultrasound on Yield of Proteins and Specialized Plant Metabolites from Sugar Beet Leaves”. Check the article for details! 👇

ACS FALL 2022 - 21-25 AUGUST 2022 -

Where thousands of chemistry professionals meet to share ideas and advance scientific and technical knowledge.

Green Proteome: Waste into wealth

As part of #ACSFall22, our partners have presented the works that are part of our project in collaboration with @QOmicSLab and @LabOztop.

#FunTomP #PRIMA #WasteIntoWealth


Exhibitors from 86 countries and trade visitors attend FRUIT LOGISTICA every year to realize their full business potential within the international fresh produce trade – and to write their own success story! 

FRUIT LOGISTICA covers every single sector of the fresh produce business and provides a complete picture of the latest innovations, products and services at every link in the international supply chain. It thus offers superb networking and contact opportunities to the key decision-makers in every sector of the industry. More information at: 


The half day conference will aim at giving the latest information on the production and consumption of tomato products globally in 2022 and the outlook for the future.


Turkey’s first tomato-dedicated field event for tomato cultivation and processing will be held in Bursa Karacabey (Turkey) on 27-29 July 2022; 50 exhibitors are expected, who will present trial plots, stands and equipment on 5.5 hectares. 

10th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis(RAFA) - 6-9 September 2022-

On behalf of the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague and Wageningen Food Safety Research (WFSR), part of Wageningen University & Research (The Netherlands), Food scientists from academia and industry and representatives of national and international agencies, control authorities, governmental and commercial laboratories are invited to attend the 10th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis (RAFA 2022). September 6-9th,  2022, Prague **, Czech Republic 

-Abstract submission for oral presentation:  June 15, 2022 

-Abstract submission for poster presentation:  July 15, 2022 

Hands on Training EPR spectroscopy

Our Croatian partners held a Workshop on EPR spectroscopy in collaboration with Bruker. More information  👇🏻

Does processed food lose its nutrition value?

Are fresh fruits and vegetables better for us than their processed alternatives? The answer may surprise you! Keep reading to learn more about processed food and its nutrition value.

The Tomato As a Functional Food

Tomatoes are the fourth most commonly consumed fresh vegetable and the most frequently consumed canned vegetable in the American diet. There is emerging epidemiology data supporting the connection between increased tomato consumption and reduced risk for both cardiovascular disease and prostate cancer…

27th Croatian Meeting of Chemists and Chemical Engineers • 5-8 OCTOBER 2022 •

The 27th Croatian Meeting of Chemists and Chemical Engineers (27HSKIKI) is organized by the Croatian Chemical Society and the Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers in a small yet enticing Croatian town Veli Lošinj, placed on island Lošinj initially from 13 to 16 April 2021 has been postponed to the new date and it will be held from 5 to 8 October 2021.

Facts About Tomatoes

  • What are the differences between store-bought tomatoes and processed tomatoes?
  • Are tomatoes fruits or vegetables?

  👉 Learn  more about tomatoes !


Global Tomato Congress, the leading event for the fresh tomato business returns to Rotterdam next march for a full day of online learning and networking.


After carefully monitoring the ongoing public health situation and increasing number of Covid-19 cases globally, together with current travel restrictions, the organizing committee for the 14th World Tomato Processing Congress and the 16th ISHS Symposium on the Processing Tomato has made the difficult decision to move the events fully online.

Mediterranean Diet

Numerous studies over several decades suggest that following the Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer, and improve cognitive health.

👉 Read Our Post to get more information about MedDiet !